PS5 Patch 1.2.2 - pre-release notice

Modified on Wed, 12 Jun, 2024 at 8:47 PM

Next week we will be patching the PS5 version to alleviate the problems of large saves becoming corrupted. The issue is related to the limited amount of space available on the PS5 for save-game data. We have expanded the amount of space for future saves, but will need to do a small migration of the old save data to the new location on your Playstation’s drive. This will be done to a limited number of saves. 

Action needed: If you have more than 40 world saves, please delete any unwanted world saves to get under that number. This will ensure the migration goes smoothly and preserves your valuable worlds or characters.  

Please note:  

  • Character saves should not be affected directly, so you should not need to remove any of them, just world saves.
  • Once the patch is live the game will not allow the creation of new worlds beyond a total of 40. This is to prevent any future occurrences of this issue.
  • Players may wish to back up their saves before this update. Saves made prior to this update will be automatically migrated when restored.

We also wanted to thank the community for their patience and understanding as we work towards the release of this patch. As we have mentioned before, issues that affect players' saves are so heartbreaking to hear about for us as devs and we hope that this patch will prevent further issues around saves from occurring.  

Please keep an eye on Discord next week,, as we will alert players when the patch is live, and share release notes with additional information then also. 

As always, thank you to the entire RtM Community for your ongoing support. Your love of RtM helps to fuel our own passion to make this game even better and we can’t wait to share more about what we’re working on with you soon.  

Takfa Durin khudrir 

Til Durin wakes 

The RtM Dev Team